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Create to Captivate!

The Art of
Storytelling Photography

On this page, you can experience several photographic stories.


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...and please don't forget to scroll down after watching the first one...

Story Way To Heaven (1)
Story Way To Heaven (2)
Story Way To Heaven (3)
Bad Boys and other stories
Thoughts-by Johann Zimmermann
00001-2017-11-11-HZ-_MG_0282-2-Edit-Step aside, please! (iron work series, b&w)-by Johann Zimmermann
00004-2017-11-11-HZ-_MG_0453-Edit-Fade-Out-by Johann Zimmermann - output4WebsiteMitCopyright
Story Symmetry Of Doubts
Video Graffiti Lady
Story Graffiti Lady

Story Gothic Fries...

Have you ever thought about what might happen if somebody really unfamiliar with our culture would jump right into it?
Wuldn't it be shocking?
Even more if this somebody would be a creature from another dimension, another world, maybe a dark angel acting as a messenger transmitting announcements of severe consequences to deporable recipients - the death's messenger?
And, imagine, this dark angel, proud and strong and serious, would have been sent to our world to pass such a bad message on to a marketing manager responsible for a huge fast food enterprise. And this marketing person would talk rubbish on our dark angel, finally making her flee from him - and, on the occasion - palm a paper bag with a large "super happy value menue" off on her.
Do you think, the dark angel would ever return?

And, what do you think, would happen, if the dark angel, arrived back in the underworld, would sit down at a table and would try to figure out what the hell this is in her paper bag? Now, let's try to find out!


Desparate Search

Desparate Search (Video)...

Desparate Search (selected images)...

Behind the Bread

Behind the Bread...Who is Lisssy?

Employing some kind of surrealism, this project is about who we are and how we are being judged by our appearance.
Is clothing really telling that much about us?
Is there something like THE genuine appearance of a person?
Is there something like THE genuine photograph of a person?


The project comprises a series of 5 tetraptychs (sets of 4 images each)...


Part 1 of 5 of "Behind the Bread" - Title: "Dutiful"


Please klick the first image to get a bigger view. You can navigate through the sequence using the arrow keys.

Part 2 of 5 of "Behind the Bread" - Title: Creative


Please klick the first image to get a bigger view. You can navigate through the sequence using the arrow keys.

Part 3 of 5 of "Behind the Bread" - Title: Relaxed


Please klick the first image to get a bigger view. You can navigate through the sequence using the arrow keys.

Part 4 of 5 of "Behind the Bread" - Title: Just Tired


Please klick the first image to get a bigger view. You can navigate through the sequence using the arrow keys.

Part 5 of 5 of "Behind the Bread" - Title: The Singer


Please klick the first image to get a bigger view. You can navigate through the sequence using the arrow keys.

The End  of "Behind the Bread"


So, this is the last sequence of "Behind the Bread". Having seen this project's images, what do you think? Who is Lisssy?
And would you say, there is a single outfit or a single photograph of her telling who she is? ---



Please klick the first image to get a bigger view. You can navigate through the sequence using the arrow keys.

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